Features: This loan is meant for those who desire to own their own shelter.

Purpose of Loan:

  • To individuals for purchase of newly built house/flat or construction of residential house.

  • To owners of house for Renovation or up-gradation/ extension /addition/major repairs of their existing houses


  • Applicant must be a Regular/associate Member of the Bank with credibility.

  • Credit worthy and have sufficient income to repay the loan.

  • The person may be in service or following a profession or business.

  • Employment of the government/semi government organization or public sector institution/reputed private sector institution should have completed confirmed service of five years and should possess at least seven years of residual service.

  • Professionals or business should be within 60 years of age and have five years standing in the profession or business.

Security: Mortgage of the residential house/flat to be purchased/constructed. Mortgage deed to be registered at

the cost of the Applicant.

Processing fee: Rs. 500/- (Non refundable)

Documents to be submitted for processing the application:

  • Completed Application Form with passport size photograph.

  • Proof of Identity such as PAN Card / Voter’s ID/Passport/Driving License. Aadhaar Card

  • Proof of residence such as Recent Telephone Bill / Electricity Bill / Property Tax Receipt / Passport / Voter’s ID Aadhaar Card

  • Proof of business address in respect of businessmen / industrialists.

  • Proof of Employment.

  • Salary Certificate.

  • Proof of other income like rent, interest on investment, if any.

  • Balance Sheet for the past three financial years in the case of Professionals, Businessmen & Self employed.

  • Income Tax / Wealth Tax (if applicable) Returns for the past 3 years

  • Agreement of Sale / Sale Deed

  • Mother deeds relating to the property.

  • Approved Building Plan.

  • Encumbrance for last 15 years.

  • Geological tree (Family tree)

  • Proof of title in the Revenue Records such as khata extract.

  • Tax paid receipts relating to the property to be mortgaged.

  • Please note that one proof containing the identity and present address ( as mentioned in account opening form ) is enough.

  • Legal Opinion from Banks’ Advocate & Valuation of property from Banks’ Engineer at applicant’s cost


  • Property insurance for full value of the property with Bank clause against fire and other risk from the approved insurance companies.

Release of Loan Amt:

  • Execution of prescribed document by the borrower.

  • Creation of charge in favour of the Bank on security.