This loan is provided for working capital needs of business/trade/ industry and for repayment of private debts, purchase of sites/ construction of commercial buildings/complexes, etc,.
Applicant must be a Regular Member/Associate of the Bank with credibility,satisfactory credit worthiness and income.
Must possess current/savings bank account which is KYC Norms.
Must possess property in his/ her nearest’ relatives name (spouse/father/mother/son/un-married daughter)
Must have completed minimum of 3 years of service if salaried employee.
Professionals or businessmen should be within 60 years of age and have five years of standing in the profession or business.
Maximum permissible age at the time of applying for loan is 55 years.
Quantum 0f Loan: 75 % of the property value or Rs.10 lakhs, whichever is least.
Processing fee: Rs. 500/- (Non refundable)
Interest Rate: As prescribed by the Board from time to time.
Tenure: Not Exceeding 60 Months.
Repayment Mode: In equal monthly installments with monthly interest or in equated
Monthly installments (though salary deduction in the case salaried persons)
Security: Immovable Property. Equitable Mortgage deed is to be registered at Applicant’s cost
Documents Required:
Loan Application Form with passport size photograph.
Loan Application dully filled and signed by the borrower and surety with income proof.
Proof of Identity, Proof of residence,
Proof of Business Address in respect of Business/Industry.
Proof of Employment
Salary Certificate
Proof of other income like Rent, interest on investment, if any
Income Tax / Wealth Tax (if applicable) Returns for the past 3 years
Balance Sheet for the past three financial years in the case of Professionals, Businessmen and Self employed persons.
Insurance: Insurance for full value of the property with Bank Clause against fire and other risks from the approved Insurance company.
Release of Loan Amt:
After execution of prescribed document by the borrower and creation of charge in favour of the Bank on the property security.